Bled and the legends of its castle

Bled and the legends of its castle

Available: all year-round

Recommended number of participants: 10 to 100

Location: Bled

Duration: 3 - 4 hours (depending on the client’s preferences)

Focus: socialising, motivation, organisation and communication within teams

Recommended: as an addition to seminars, conferences and other business events, for IT-departments, executives, small business groups, management teams, R&D, marketing and sales departments

Bled hides many legends and real-life stories from the past and present in its heart. The participants learn a great deal of interesting information about the mysteries of the sunken bell, the castle printing works, the operators of the traditional boats on Lake Bled called pletnje, the wishing bell, the origins of the Bled vanilla-and-cream pastry, and lots of other Bled secrets that remain unknown to most people. But what’s important is that we’ve combined this programme with teamwork and solving fun assignments, in which the emphasis is on cooperation and trust between the team members.

We combined hiking, cycling, taking a boat ride, orienteering using photos, and group assignments to design a programme that meets the needs of the most demanding clients. Small surprises await you between various points, where you’ll try to complete assignments and solve problems as a team. We guarantee they’ll bring a smile to your face.

Prices vary based on the complexity of the program:

One-day program:

S......from 90 € / person
M......from 140 € / person
L.......from 240 € / person

Two-day program:

XL..........from 360 € / person
XXL........from 540 € / person